We believe in Community Village Lawrence.
Please consider supporting us if you do too.

Diane Adamson, Board Member
“Based on my own parents’ experience, I truly feel the Village concept is a much needed concept to fill a gap for older citizens who want to stay in their own homes. And I am inspired by the idea of creating a grass-roots community that supports others.”
Mary Baxter, Board Treasurer
“I am interested in helping people stay in their home instead of having to go to a nursing home, as well as myself. I also am interested in assisting people with their finances and travel to and from Doctors and their isn't any organization that does that here in Lawrence. My hope is that this organization would be able to do that.”
Judy Bellome, Board Member:
“I joined the CVL group because I am committed to find ways to help folks in our community stay in their homes throughout their senior years. Cost of facility care is often beyond the financial capability of many individuals and their families. Home is where we all want to be for as long as we can!”
Tamara Cash, Board Member
“CVL seems to fit perfectly with my vision of how I want to live as a retiree in Lawrence, KS. That vision includes living in a socially-connected community; continuing my access to lifelong learning experiences; being able to care for myself and my home, without fear of making misguided choices in search of the most trustworthy service-providers; and, being able to participate in the planning process needed to create such comprehensive retirement living options.”
Chris Holmer, Board Chair
"I saw the difference a senior support network made in my mother's life. The assistance she offered and received during her later years reinforced her confidence to live alone. Her commitment to others inspired her neighbors to expand the support network among their own circle of friends."
Mary Johnson, Board Secretary
“While I was working, I participated in senior organizations in different parts of the country. Now that I am retired, I am so glad to find a senior community in my home town that will let me network and advocate and help people stay active in their own homes. CVL fits the bill.”
Ellen Paulsen, Board Vice Chair
“As I worked as a volunteer with older folks, I saw the impediments to staying in your home as you aged. I have five loving children who want to see that I have everything I need but I am very resistant to having them care for me. I want them to have their own lives… Each Village can suit their own community and are directed by those most intimately involved rather than a program imposed by the government or an outside agency.”
From one of our AmeriCorps VISTAs, Allison Steffen
I have been with Community Village Lawrence as an AmeriCorps VISTA, serving 40 hours per week, since March 2013. I came to the position after performing aging research with Dr. Dennis Domer of New Cities and the Campus VillAGE of KU, a separate organization with a complimentary mission. Through that research I learned of the Village concept, and after getting to know a developing Village in Lawrence, I began volunteering for grant writing in August 2012. Since then I have seen this organization evolve. The people behind it have proved to be genuine, dedicated, and hard-working. Each one is available to help with any task and each brings new ideas to the table and sees them through.
Community Village Lawrence will act as a network of support to help seniors age at home. Members pay a monthly fee of $50 to be a part of this network; these fees will help make CVL sustainable. We are currently seeking funding to sponsor lower-income members who are not able to afford this fee. The basic elements of a Village are the volunteer network, which provides courtesy services to members; a vetted paid provider network that CVL staff provides referrals to; and a membership network that supports social interaction. Villages support the whole-person, addressing mental and physical needs of members and seeking a solution, either by referral or volunteer, to any issue.
The organization was lucky enough to have two full-time VISTAS over the last year, one of them myself, and the other Amy Hope who served CVL from October 2012 to November 2013. I was honored to work with her and just last week began working with Kris Roberts, the VISTA who succeeded her after her term’s end. I fully believe when my term ends in March, that the organization will be in good hands with Kris, but unfortunately CVL will not be able to hire a second VISTA in the spring as the Washburn host site has received news of budget cuts from the federal program. This means the program will be developed and run by one full-time employee, Kris, and our 8 board members and other community volunteers.
I have been proud to serve CVL and will miss the work and the people behind it. I believe this organization will be successful and bring to the forefront of our town the unique sense of community that makes Lawrence into the town I love. As a 23 year old serving an organization built around seniors, I have experienced first-hand how working closely with different generations can improve your own outlook for your lifespan. That is one of the reasons I see this as a community organization rather than limited to a generation; it is a community coming together, with each individual bringing their own gifts and growing together to improve everyone’s quality of life.
With your support and that of other residents like you, I believe this organization will thrive.
Allison Steffen
Washburn AmeriCorps VISTA Fellow
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